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xylitol repairs teeth dr dunne

Repair damaged teeth!

You can do that? Who knew!

Repairing damaged enamel
Research has shown that the use of xylitol also helps repair damaged teeth by helping to strengthen the enamel. Saliva in itself protects the mouth and teeth. Stimulated saliva in particular contains all the components needed to repair early cavities. If sugar is only taken a couple of times a day, the saliva can do the job alone. But most people take sugar so often that the mouth’s own defensive tools are not enough.
Balance Saliva PH
The dental benefits of xylitol also include saliva. Saliva that has xylitol is more alkaline than saliva stimulated by other sugar products. After taking xylitol products, the concentration of basic amino acids and ammonia in saliva and plaque may rise, and plaque pH rises as well. When pH is above 7, calcium and phosphate salts in saliva start to move into those parts of enamel that are weak. Therefore, soft, calcium-deficient enamel sites begin to harden again.
Strive for Five
Learn how to use Xylitol and more about this amazing product!
Long-term Savings
While reversing a rising trend of negative health and high health-care costs won’t happen overnight, improving your own health can begin sooner than later, and the dental benefits of xylitol can have a significant influence on that trend.


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